Monday, October 26, 2009

The Politics of Dancing

New Jersey has a statewide gubernatorial and legislative election coming up a few days after Halloween. All three major candidates are making desperate efforts to keep their masks from slipping. Current polls show a tight race between the major party candidates, with the third party nominee cast in the (usually typical) role of a spoiler who pulls votes from the mainstream nominees. In this case, many of these votes will likely be coming from Republican Chris Christie's tally.

Democratic incumbent Gov. Jon Corzine, famous in recent years for almost dying after a severe 90+ m.p.h. car crash because he doesn't like seat belts, and refusing to release e-mails or related missives regarding his sexual relationship and possible financial favors for powerful (now former) Communications Workers of America union boss Carla Katz (at least Corzine's not pulling a McGreevey).

Corzine is also spending umpteen millions of his own hard-earned Wall Street (or just as likely easily un-earned, from what we now know these days about the illegal, unethical, and immoral financial plundering by these formers masters of the universe) cash on his down and dirty campaign ads.

The fundamental tv advertising charges (unspoken but unmistakable) againt his challenger, , a former U.S. Attorney Chris Christie and mainstream GOP politico, who has been a dogged and too often lone pursuer of corruption here in the Soprano state, is that he is way too fond of food (i.e., too fat to serve). How's that for rarefied, reasoned, and rational political dialogue in the first decade of the 21st century?

Complicating the outcome is a third party alternate choice, Chris Daggett, who is guaranteed to toss a monkey wrench into what is now an unpredictable three way race. For example, note the massive electoral mess caused in 2008 by the trio running for the Minnesota U.S. Senate seat that was formerly held by deceased DFL Sen. Paul Wellstone. Sit tight, all should be revealed the day after the election.

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